Samuel Sales Saraiva celebrates 2023 for having his suggestions included by the Brazilian government in the creation of the plan AMAZON + SUSTAINABLE

By MONTEZUMA CRUZ – Photo iStock

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Six months after sending suggestions regarding the Amazon to the federal government of Brazil, before president Lula took office, Samuel Sales Saraiva, born in Rondonia, had already come to terms with the government’s prolonged silence. He was, however, surprised to receive letter no. 283/2023/SDI/MAPA from the Ministry of Agriculture, dated July 28, 2023, announcing the publication of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan.

Samuel Sales Saraiva contributed five topics to this plan.”The government’s acceptance of my proposal is a gratifying recognition of the exercise of citizenship, even though I live 7,000 kilometers from the region that is my birthplace. I therefore share my satisfaction.”

The plan for the agricultural development of the Amazon — the Amazonia +Sustainable plan — guides the sustainable development of the Amazon, valuing socio-cultural and ecological diversity while reducing regional inequalities.

Various actions have been devised for land-use planning — land regularization and environmental compliance, structured production, with room for the growth of the so-called bioeconomy, sustainability, decarbonizing chains, targeted technical assistance and agro-industrialization.

When he made the suggestion to the president-elect, Samuel Saraiva also sent it to former senator Álvaro Dias, who validated it and reinforced it with the government. Then leader of the Podemos party in the Federal Senate, Dias saw in Saraiva’s work an undeniable example that it is possible to exercise citizenship, or even legislate, without being paid for it, without having an elective mandate, as Saraiva has demonstrated throughout his life, thinking more about the community than personal advantages.

The Amazon +Sustainable Plan (ASP) proposes a set of guidelines for the sustainable development of the Amazon, valuing socio-cultural and ecological diversity and reducing regional inequalities.

“The document I presented even before the presidential inauguration had the form of an open letter, and was reported in an extensive article signed by journalist Montezuma Cruz,” Samuel Saraiva recalled.

During his four decades of dedication to the Amazon, the Rondonian, who was an alternate federal deputy in the 47th legislature, presented several suggestions to the government, including the Transfrontier Project and a proposal regarding environmental education, which was then received by the former leader of Podemos, Álvaro Dias, and forwarded to the ministry of the environment of the last government, without resonance.

“We would like to thank you for your cooperation. It is very important that everyone joins forces to promote the socio-economic and environmental development of this region, which has an invaluable natural heritage. Your interest and contribution are valuable and demonstrate that, together, we can make a difference in building a more sustainable future,” said the letter signed by Pedro Alves Corrêa Neto, Assistant Secretary for Innovation, Sustainable Development, Irrigation and Cooperativism at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

The government plan is focused on environmental conservation and the financial autonomy of rural producers in Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Maranhão, Pará, Rondônia and Tocantins. Below is the full document sent by Pedro Corrêa Neto to Sales Saraiva: 




Brasilia, July 28, 2023.



Washington DC.

Subject: Proposal for preservation and development

sustainable Amazon.

Dear Mr. Samuel Sales Saraiva,

The Amazon is one of greatest natural assets of Brazil and of the

world, harboring a rich biodiversity and performing ecosystem functions essential for the maintenance of climate, water and human health. However, given its socio-environmental complexity, the Amazon faces challenges regarding its economic development and environmental preservation. Against this backdrop, we are pleased to learn that of your interest in collaborating with public efforts by putting forward suggestions for the development of a self-sustainable economy in the region. In line with the five topics of the proposal you submitted, listed below, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) launched, on 05 April 2023, as part of MAPA Ordinance No. 575, the plan for the agricultural development of the Amazon — the Amazonia +Sustainable plan. 

1 – Expansion of sustainable food production;

2 – Expansion of sustainable extractivism;

3 – Revitalization of rubber plantations;

4 – Promotion of fish farming;

5 – Recovering degraded areas and adopting agroforestry systems.

The aim of this development plan is to promote the implementation of a sustainable agricultural model, in order to enable the financial autonomy of rural producers and foster environmental conservation in the nine legal Amazonian states (Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocantins). The actions include the structured integration of public policies focused on land use planning (land regularization and environmental compliance), structured production (bioeconomy, sustainability, decarbonizing chains, targeted technical assistance, agro-industrialization), access to markets (exports, badges for organic certification), food acquisition, innovation (sustainable solutions, technology diffusion, mitigation of greenhouse gases) and valorization of traditional knowledge.

The management model of the plan for the agricultural development of the Amazon — Amazon +Sustainable Plan — is regulated

by MAPA Ordinance No. 576 of April 5, 2023. In short, management will be conducted by three bodies as described below:

I – The Amazon +Sustainable Plan Management Unit, responsible for managing the plan, working to coordinate the specific singular bodies and entities linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in the search for partnerships to ensure, at federal and state level, synergy between programs and projects that have an affinity with its objectives;

II – The Central Coordination Committee of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan, a deliberative body at national level, whose purpose is to ensure integration between the specific singular bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, partner units and entities, as well as to propose strategies and evaluate the guidelines and targets of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan; and

III – The State Coordination Committees of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan, deliberative bodies at state level, which can be grouped with other program bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, with the purpose of planning, implementing and monitoring the Amazon + Sustainable Plan in the states, in accordance with the strategic actions defined by the Central Committee.

Finally, we would like to thank you for your cooperation. It is very important that everyone joins forces to promote the socio-economic and environmental development of this region, which has a priceless natural heritage. Your interest and contribution are valuable and show that, together, we can make a difference in building a more sustainable future.



Deputy Secretary for Innovation, Sustainable Development,

Irrigation and Cooperativism (SDI)

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA)

(electronically signed)

pastedGraphic_1.pngDocument signed electronically by PEDRO ALVES CORREA NETO, Deputy Secretary, on 28/07/2023, at 15:08, according to Brasília official time, based on art. 4, § 3, of Decree no. 10.543, of November 13, 2020.
pastedGraphic_2.pngThe authenticity of this document can be checked on the website: informing the verifier code 29982750 and the CRC code FBB403BF.
Reference: Process no. 21000.005322/2023-10SEI nº 29982750


Published: 06/04/2023 | Issue: 67 | Section: 1 | Page: 3

Body: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock/Minister’s Office


Establishes the management model for the plan for the

agricultural development of the Amazon — 

Amazon +Sustainable Plan.

THE STATE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK, in the use of the powers conferred on him by article 87, single paragraph, item II, of the Federal Constitution, and in view of the provisions of Law No. 8.171, of January 17, 1991, Decree No. 11.332, of February 1, 2023, and what is contained in Process No. 21000.075664/2021-35, resolves:

Art. 1 The management model for the plan for the agricultural development of the Amazon — Amazonia +Sustainable Plan — is hereby established within the scope of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Art. 2 With the purpose of conducting the management of the Amazonia +Sustainable Plan, the following are hereby established:

I – The Amazon +Sustainable Plan Management Unit, responsible for managing the Plan, which will work to coordinate the specific singular bodies and entities linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in the search for partnerships to ensure, at federal and state level, synergy between programs and projects that have an affinity with its objectives;

II – the Central Coordination Committee of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan, a deliberative body at national level, whose purpose is to ensure integration between the specific singular bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, partner units and entities, as well as to propose strategies and evaluate the guidelines and targets of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan; and

III – the State Coordination Committees of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan, deliberative bodies at the state level, which can be grouped with other program bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, with the purpose of planning, implementing and monitoring the Amazon +Sustainable Plan in the states, in accordance with the strategic actions defined by the Central Committee.

Art. 3 The Amazon +Sustainable Plan Management Unit will be coordinated by the Department of Reforestation and Recovery of Degraded Areas of the Secretariat for Innovation, Sustainable Development, Irrigation and Cooperativism, and will have the following duties:

I – to represent the interests of the Amazonia +Sustainable Plan before federal, state and municipal public bodies and entities;

II – to propose actions and strategies in conjunction with the specific singular bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, units and partner entities in order to consolidate a model for the sustainable development of the Legal Amazon and, in particular, the territory covered by the Amazon biome;

III – to propose to the Central Coordination Committee, when necessary, adjustments and improvement measures during the implementation of projects linked to the Amazon +Sustainable Plan;

IV – to coordinate the dissemination of the results of the Amazonia +Sustainable Plan at all levels;

V – to monitor compliance with the objectives, guidelines and targets of projects linked to the Amazon +Sustainable Plan;

VI – to supervise and monitor the development of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan and its projects; and

VII – to deliberate on matters that require urgent solutions.

Art. 4 The Central Coordination Committee of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan is responsible for:

I – establishing communication channels between bodies, entities and institutions that work in areas related to the objectives of the Plan;

II – ensuring compliance with the guidelines and strategic orientations of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan;

III – following up and monitoring the implementation of the Amazon + Sustainable Plan at all levels;

IV – deliberating on strategic or relevant issues related to the efficient implementation of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan;

V – assessing cases that require replanning or adjusting the scope of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan, or its implementation; and

VI – providing guidance on how to organize the procedures for structuring and operating the State Coordination Committees of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan;

Art. 5 The Central Coordination Committee of the Amazonia +Sustainable Plan will be constituted by a full representative, and an alternate representative, from the following bodies, units and entities:

I – Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock:

a) The Minister’s Office;

b) Executive Secretariat;

c) Secretariat for Innovation, Sustainable Development, Irrigation and Cooperativism;

d) Secretariat for Agricultural Policy;

e) Secretariat for Agricultural Defense;

f) Secretariat for Trade and International Relations; and

II – an entity linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock:

a) Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – EMBRAPA; and

III – National Agency for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension – ANATER;

§ 1 The members of the Central Committee, both full and alternate, will be appointed by the heads of the bodies, units and entities represented, and designated by the State Minister of Agriculture and Livestock.

§ 2 The head of the Central Committee will be the representative of the Secretariat for Innovation, Sustainable Development, Irrigation and Cooperativism of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

§ 3 The Department of Reforestation and Recovery of Degraded Areas of the Secretariat for Innovation, Sustainable Development, Irrigation and Cooperativism shall provide administrative support to the Central Committee.

§ 4 The Central Committee may invite civil servants, specialists and representatives of public or private bodies and entities to attend meetings as guests, in addition to the Executive Secretariat and the Interstate Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Legal Amazon, whenever their knowledge, skills and competencies may be necessary to fulfill its purpose.

Art. 6 The Central Committee shall meet ordinarily once every quarter and extraordinarily when convened by its chairman, or at the request of its members.

§ 1 The meetings of the Central Committee shall be convened with the presence of the majority of its members and shall be held preferably at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

§ 2: Representatives who are unable to attend in person, and those who are in different federal entities, may participate in meetings by videoconference.

§ 3 The decisions of the Central Committee shall be taken by a simple majority of votes, with the head having the casting vote in the event of a tie.

Art. 7 The State Coordination Committees of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan are responsible for:

I – leading the discussions and the preparation of territorial development projects;

II – ensuring alignment, transparency and uniformity in the execution of the actions programmed in each project;

III – ensuring integration between the different actions underway, and reducing the risks of dispersion;

IV – monitoring the partnerships established, including the activities related to each municipality;

V – preparing and submitting quarterly activity reports to the Central Coordination Committee for approval;

VI – establishing channels of communication between the agents involved in the production and trade of agricultural products;

VII – discussing and drawing up state-level action plans; and

VIII – interacting with state and municipal institutions in order to enable the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to support the planning and execution of actions for which the states are responsible.

Art. 8 The State Coordination Committees of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan will be constituted by a full representative and an alternate representative from the following bodies, units and entities:

I – Federal Superintendence of Agriculture and Livestock, designated from among the employees assigned to the Rural Development Division DDR/SFA -[UF];

II – Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – EMBRAPA; and

III – National Institute of Meteorology – INMET;

§ 1 The members of the State Committees of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan will be appointed by the heads of the bodies, units and entities represented and designated by the Federal Superintendent of Agriculture and Livestock in the respective state.

§ 2 The State Committee shall be chaired by the representative of the DDR/SFA -[UF].

§ 3 The Federal Superintendencies of Agriculture and Livestock in the states will be responsible for providing administrative support to the State Committees.

§ 4 The State Committees may invite employees, specialists and representatives of public or private bodies and entities to attend meetings as guests, whenever their knowledge, skills and competencies may be necessary to fulfill their purpose.

Art. 9 The State Committees shall meet ordinarily at least once every quarter, and extraordinarily at the call of their head, or at the request of their members.

§ 1 The meetings of the Central Committee shall be convened in the presence of the majority of its members and shall be held preferably at the headquarters of the SFA -[UF].

§ 2: Representatives who are unable to attend in person, and those who are in different federal entities, may participate in meetings by videoconference.

§ 3 The decisions of the State Committees shall be taken by a simple majority of votes, with the head having the casting vote in the event of a tie.

§ 4 The meetings of the State Committees will always take place before the meetings of the Central Coordination Committee of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan.

Art. 10 – The Central and State Committees may set up working groups to discuss specific issues related to the objectives and guidelines of the Amazon +Sustainable Plan, with a maximum duration of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, extendable once for the same period.

Single paragraph. The working groups set up within the Central Committee and within each State Committee are limited to a maximum of three, functioning simultaneously, with up to five members each.

Art. 11: Participation in ordinary or extraordinary meetings of the national and state committees shall be considered a relevant public service and shall not give rise to remuneration, with no reimbursement of expenses.

Art. 12: The Management Unit of the Amazonia +Sustainable Plan will present an annual report with the results of the Plan’s implementation, in order to inform and provide subsidies to interested parties, involving beneficiaries, federal bodies at state and municipal level, private sectors, academic and financial institutions and civil society.

Art. 13: This draft ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its publication.


Minister of Agriculture

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